大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ 2009
素材+機能=道具 ならば、 道具-機能=素材?
Steel Making
Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennare 2009
Steel is a material that is used in many situations because of its robustness and excellent workability. Sometimes as a framework for buildings and vehicles, sometimes as a convenience for daily life, and sometimes as a military force. The wide range of its uses can be said to be evidence of the great influence iron has had on culture as a “tool. So, what is a “tool”? The origin of tools can be traced back to the breaking of stones to make knives and the heaping up of earth to store water. In other words, we can say that tools are made by giving function and structure to materials. If this is the case, what remains when we remove function from a tool? If material + function = tool, then tool – function = material? This is an attempt to reverse the manufacturing process. To verify this, various steel products were heated to red-hot and pounded incessantly at temperatures in excess of 1,000°C. Plating and paint peeled off at this high temperature. The function and structure of the product is lost as thousands and thousands of hammers are used to beat it down. Artificial elements are removed from iron products made by human hands, and the materials are stripped bare. It is an inorganic and mute substance, yet it is dynamic and vivid. There it was, pure and just iron.
Here in Echigo-Tsumari, iron has also been used in various places, including agricultural implements made by blacksmithing in ancient times. The tools have been covered with rust from the abundance of water and soil in this region. This is the appearance of a material that has already left the hands of man and is about to be returned to the earth. However, they cannot return to mere ores. They have passed through the hands of their creators and users, leaving behind some kind of trace, and they hold memories for people. I will continue to hammer on these materials to create a place where the workings of the earth and the workings of people overlap. Hopefully, it will be a place that resonates with the various traces left behind at the former Higashi Shimogumi Elementary School.