漢字もそれ自体、旅人に見立てることができる。旅の始まりは甲骨文字。およそ3300 年前、亀の甲羅や動物の骨に刻印され、漢字の起源と言われる象形文字である。それらが時を経て形を変え、日本へ旅立ち読みを変え、現代に至る。
Mixed Hieroglyphphs
Tokyo Bay Shiomi Prince Hotel / Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Water, boats, inns, warehouses, food … The scenery and experiences that travelers who visit Shiomi meet there. Collect the Chinese characters that indicate these and trace their roots.
Kanji itself can be likened to a traveler. The beginning of the journey is the oracle bone script. About 3300 years ago, it is a hieroglyph that is said to be the origin of Chinese characters, which was engraved on the shell of a turtle and the bones of animals. They changed their shape over time, traveled to Japan, changed their readings, and reached the present day.
This oracle bone script is the motif of this work. It does not reproduce the contour written in the history book as it is. The iron product is heated and hited to reconstruct it and “express” the oracle bone script.
This will give birth to one more hieroglyphs. In general, most iron products are recycled products. The scrap is melted and re-refined to be reborn as a completely different product. However, with the manufacturing method of “tapping without melting”, the previous appearance remains a little. Iron letters made from real tools show the remnants of “formerly tools” here and there, and their origins and appearance are like hieroglyphs.
Hieroglyphs as ancient characters and Hieroglyphs produced from modern tools. The two unrelated works become one work.Maybe you can image the way different cultures intersect while traveling. I hope that this cryptic ancient character will be a catalyst for communication at the reception of the inn, which can be said to be a place of fellowship.